An in-language conlang blog

Monday, August 13, 2007

hàliri hàldënö (mëàrüa)

vó'c tysàmap'a!

étial sëlítya hàliri hàldënö t'ésöp'n. èdel sèschë énilnö k'ésöp'n!

à yt'tylíhlcisöp'fö!


Today was the last day of Halde. Tomorrow will be the first day of Enil!

Go in good health!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

dósa-të-tòr hàldënö (mètü)

vó'c tysàmap'a!

pón na-sóchikörn'të'c të'kanéyev'a:
  • lü lö'lirlalóv'a
  • nëcókü rücórü ùrgë ki'cüérn'r
à yt'tylíhlcisöp'fö!


I have discovered two tongue twisters:
  • if I were greatly to begin to watch
  • against the heart her too much fear will twist
Go in good health!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

shóji-të-pónschë hàldënö (mëàrüa)

vó'c tysàmap'a!

à'c dö'sürmùrisödàv'a.

à yt'tylíhlcisöp'fö!


I should go to sleep.

Go in good health!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

shóji-të-sé hàldënö (làfü) - ènchëtyn!

vó'c tysàmap'a!

étial (të làsëal) chèmbelsöp'të! nichèmbelip "ènchëtyn" èsöp'të. héra étial làfüsöp'n, të làsëal të'mètüsöp'n.
ènchëtyn nichèmbelip cónö tèpsëtynö ésöp'n. ènchë tèpsëtynö të'càrv'n.
étial tymàm'r të typàp'ë ílpünö àgë të'cílvëv'të, níllip'ic fàgë èliavin.

à yt'tylíhlcisöp'fö!


Today (and yesterday) are a festival! They are the minor festival "middays". Also today is Lafu, and yesterday was Metu.
Middays is the minor festival of the center of the month. Half of the month has completed.
Today the mother and father of my husband came, for the seeing of our boy.

Go in good health!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

sàn-të-lènschë hàldënö (nàksü)

vó'c tysàmap'a!

étial nàksüsöp'n. làsëal të'mëàrüasöp'n. kakí étial kakü làsëal ka'të'chèmbelsöp'të.
étialdi të'latèrenp'a ke tagéatykesan'aë kelískesisöp'të! tan pàspön-të-telèn éap'të. líryira'c tëàctö dipàrip'a...
ségatéta'c tómli yinúrap'a: ceqlizobloq.

à yt'tylíhlcisöp'fö!


Today is Naksu. Yesterday was Mearua. Neither today nor yesterday was a festival.
Today I realized that I have too few words! Only 880 are there. I want to make more...
I found another blog: ceqlizobloq.

Go in good health!